최초입력 2025.01.31 13:51:54
A Twosome Place, a premium dessert cafe and coffee franchise in South Korea, achieved record sales with its signature Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake last year.
According to the company on Thursday, the cumulative sales of its Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake lineup, including the recently introduced White Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake, exceeded 2.6 million units last year, 45 percent increase compared to the previous year.
The total weight of strawberries used in the cakes amounted to 655 tons, enough for 1.31 million people to each enjoy a 500-gram pack of strawberries.
“Recently, visually appealing desserts that emphasize freshness and vibrant aesthetics with an abundance of fruit have become a major trend,” said an official from A Twosome Place.
Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake gained immense popularity upon its initial release in 2014, thanks to its sophisticated visual appeal and the combination of chocolate and strawberries.
Last year, the company introduced White Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake, featuring white chocolate for a refreshing flavor, which also received an enthusiastic response.
The cake has sold over 280,000 units in just two months since its launch on November 1 last year.
A Twosome Place also noted that its newly launched Strawberry Season Cake is gaining popularity.
It further announced plans to launch Strawberry Chocolate Fresh Cream Cake Fraisier, a premium edition of the cake lineup, in February.
With the growing demand for desserts, A Twosome Place has been seeing continuous revenue growth.
The company’s sales increased to 480.1 billion won ($332.6 million) in 2023 from 428.1 billion won in 2022. Its 2024 sales are estimated to have exceeded 500 billion won with double-digit growth.
The number of its stores has also been on the rise, from 1,462 in 2021 to 1,640 in 2023 and 1,670 by the end of last year.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지]